Five on the Fifth {March}

Hey hey! Happy March to you!  Normally I share this post on the fifth of the month, but it turns out selling your house is super distracting, so I’m a little behind.  I finally showed up to share five great posts from five awesome bloggers from the past month.

Want more Five on the Fifth?  Visit the Five on the Fifth Pinterest board here!

Jessica from Joy in the Journey wrote a great post about celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  I love how she stretched this learning into thinking about what makes a great leader.  Hop on over to her blog to check it out!

Please-If you only do one thing from this post, I’m begging you, please do #1 for ALL OF YOUR STUDENTS.  Make the madness stop.  Visit Angelia’s blog, Extra Special Teaching, for some testing accommodation ideas for your kiddos.  Then, put your hand over your heart and promise to always follow #1 for all of your children.

Dana from Prepping for the Primary Gridiron gave her students a lesson in responsibility and accountability by shutting down their classroom library.  Read about why she did it and what lessons her kiddos learned from it.

Amanda from Teaching Maddeness has an UH-MAZING genre series.  Visit her blog to read about fables and get caught up on the other genre posts she has shared.

Hop on over to Cassie Dahl’s blog for some great tips on increasing student engagement.

Can’t wait to see what fantastic ideas March brings!