Five on the Fifth {April}

Hey hey! Happy April to you.  I’m here to share five great posts from five awesome bloggers from the past month.

Five on the Fifth: Five awesome posts from five awesome teaching bloggers on the fifth of each month.

Want more Five on the Fifth?  Visit the Five on the Fifth Pinterest board here!

Nearpod?  I wasn't exactly sure what Nearpod actually is, but Courtney from Swimming into Second Grade does a great job of explaining it and ideas for using it in the classroom.
Tips for using Nearpod in the classroom.

Rebecca from Create Teach Share wrote a great post about some of her favorite nonfiction series and has some awesome freebies to support reading responses to them!
5 favorite non-fiction series for engaging readers.

Theme.  Bleh.  I will take any help I can get when it comes to teaching theme.  Here’s a great post from Ciera at Adventures of Room 129 to help you think through your theme lessons.
Steps for teaching theme

Emily from Polka Dots Please wrote about her literacy centers.  I am a firm believe that prep for literacy centers should be EASY for the teacher.  They shouldn’t take so much time that it cuts into planning your actual lessons.  Need some more ideas for that?  Hop on over to her post.
Easy literacy centers!

I love this mentor text bulletin board connection Head Over Heels for Teaching shared on Instagram. This idea would be amazing to run with in so many ways!  You can find Joanne's blog here or find on Instagram at headoverheelsforteaching.
Hope Is an Open Heart: Mentor Text and Inspirational Bulletin Board