Five on the Fifth {February}

Hey hey!  Happy February to you.  I’m here to share five great posts from five awesome bloggers from the past month.

Want more Five on the Fifth?  Visit the Five on the Fifth Pinterest board here!

I loooove books that get kids motivated and excited to write.  Hop on over to Stories by Storie to read about how she used this book to get her students writing.

Fortunately, Unfortunately Stories

This is the time of year when things start to fall apart as a classroom community.  The newness has worn off, and they’re starting to act more like brothers and sisters.  The bickering that goes along with that territory is super fun.  This lesson from Inspire Me, ASAP! is a great reminder about how to be a good friend and squeeze in some procedural writing!
Procedural Text Friendship Writing

Thanks to Catherine at The Brown Bag Teacher, I want to quit my job as a literacy coach and go teach first grade, so I can implement good morning tubs.  
Morning Math Tubs First Grade

One of the reasons I have always loved visiting other teachers classrooms is to see not just the big ideas, but the little ones that make a difference.  I love this post from KTeacherTiff on how she uses plastic cups in the classroom.
Plastic cups in the classroom

If you’re not on Instagram following allllllll the teachers, you’re missing out!  I love this reading workshop chart from Tales of a Tenacious Teacher (you can find her on Instagram as @talesofateach).

Stop and Jot when reading

Can’t wait to see what ideas my teaching friends share this month!