First up is a post from Peppy Zesty Teacherista. When I saw this originally on Instagram, I immediately wished it had come from my brain. It's so smart. And simple. And genius. I emailed her, and asked her if she would blog about it because all the people should know. Hop on over to read Amber's post about her MATH stations.
Next is a post from Collaboration Cuties about a product from Lovin' Lit. You know if someone else writes an entire blog post about a product that's not theirs, it's a good one. Click here to read what these ladies think of Lovin' Lit's Build a Better Sentence resource.
Next up is a post from Math Coach's Corner on The Q Factor-Quality Questions. We know we need to add more rigor (Texas word, I'm sure your state has it's own) to math word problems. This a great post on guiding you through the process of writing higher quality math questions.
Next up is a post from Queen of the First Grade Jungle. I am obsessed with her super hero door. It was the inspiration for my Super Hero mini set. Who wouldn't want to walk into that door ever day?
I am equally obsessed with The Tattooed Teachers super hero bulletin board. And those KG Second Chance Sketch letters. Swoon. You can even vote for it in the MPM Bulletin Board Contest.
The last post I want to share from you is from Mrs. Bartel's School Family. I love this blog. Her school is so strikingly different in a country that is dead set on making every classroom the same to do well on the same test. It is an Ag/Tech charter, and they have cows and other live things like Jenny that Alyce wrote about in this post.
And since I'm late, so this is technically a six on the sixth post (it was a Friday night people, and a Nordstrom opened in my town that day-I have priorities), here's a bonus post. I found this GEM using every teacher's favorite search engine-Pinterest. Your kids will absolutely "get" rounding to the nearest ten with this lesson. As in forever. Blair from One Lesson at a time shared it on All Things Upper Elementary.
Have a great weekend!