If you're new around here, these posts show off the heart of teaching blogs-the sharing of really great ideas. Five on the Fifth even has its very own Pinterest board. You can follow it here.
Raise your hand if you think Mentor Sentences help kids learn grammar and punctuation in a more useful and authentic way.
Now, raise your hand if you're not really sure what in the world to do with Mentor Sentences.
Okay, if you raised your hand both times, you are in luck. Ideas by Jivey and Collaboration Cuties teamed up to take your through mentor sentences. They've figured it out for you. Thanks, ladies!
This picture from Teach n' Tex says it all.
Kristin will walk you through not having all that junk hanging around your screen the next time you're on YouTube with your class. Cause you know that kid in that back that never pays attention? He will today.
This next post is from Brandee at Creating Life Long Learners. On Fridays, she has a wrap it up time-time to get caught up on your work. Good plan. Even better? Get your work done on time, and instead of wrap it up time, you could be doing something fun. And educational. At the same time. Nice.
A Screaming Good Summary. How stinking cute is this? Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory came up with this fabulous summary writing lesson.
How much would your class love to do this? Enough to write a decent summary? I definitely think so!
And finally, the last idea is from a brand new blogger. This girl's got two followers, and I'm already blown away by this idea for solar system art. Love!!!
Go visit Angie at Teaching with Class to see how she did this with her class.
That's all for this round. Hope you found some ideas you can take back to your classroom!