Tips for Getting Your Donors Choose Projects FUNDED!

Is there anything better than opening your school email to see "Your project just got funded!"  Best.  Feeling.  Ever.  If you're new to Donors Choose or just not sure how to get a project going, here are some of my completely unofficial, trial and error, still figuring things out too tips.
8 Tips for teachers to get your Donors Choose project from launch to FUNDED!

Keep Project Total on the Lower End

I try to keep my around $300ish, so in the $250-$350 range.  Donors Choose adds on a surcharge (websites cost money and employees don't work for free!), so plan on leaving wiggle room for that.

Always Have a Project Up

Every so often, a company will flash fund the site.  YOU DON'T WANT TO BE CRYING IN THE BATHROOM BECAUSE YOU PUT OFF A PROJECT AND NOW YOU MISSED FLASHED FUNDING. You just don't.  Trust me.  #personalexperience
Go ahead and get your next project drafted, so as soon as your project is posted, you can submit your next one.

Check Match Offers

I can use a million different things at any given moment in my classroom, so might as well choose one that goes along with a match offer.

Be Your First Donor

I have zero data to go on, but I know for myself that a project that has gotten some donations seems more likely to be funded, and I'm more likely to donate.  I think there's this subconscious "people are already donating to this project, so it must me a good one" idea.

Share on Social Media

Listen, I'm not saying post daily until it gets funded.  Project fatigue is real.  Every third post is about your Donors Choose?  Great way for people to hide you on Facebook.  (Some of you are very nice people and saying to yourself, but I don't mind when my cousin does that! Not everyone is as nice as you.) BUT, it definitely helps to share especially when you get down to the finish line.  "I only need $67 to finish this project!" sounds better than "Only, $523 more to go!".

Take the Survery

Every once in a while, Donors Choose sends out surveys.  I've gotten $25-$50 gift cards for doing random surverys and try this app or program things.  It doesn't happen often, but it does add up!

Follow Donors Choose

Follow Donors Choose on social media to get hints about new match opportunities coming and tips from the masters themselves.

Get Informed

The Donors Choose website is FULL of information to help teachers get started with a project.  Their strategies for success is a must read.

I'd love to know any Donors Choose tips you have!