5 on the Fifth

It's the fifth, which can only mean one thing on this blog.  It's time for . . .

If you're new around here, these posts show off the heart of teaching blogs-the sharing of really great ideas.  Five on the Fifth even has its very own Pinterest board.  You can follow it here.

Time to hop over to Ginger Snaps for this cutie pie camera All About Me board idea.  Love it!

Love that these littles are writing from another perspective.  Higher level thinking from the beginning! Check out this awesome writing activity using The Day the Crayons Quit from Not Just Child's Play.

Magic Mistakes and Mayhem gathered up some nerve and did something I think rocks.  She gave her kids 20 minutes of freedom, 3 times a week TO LEARN WHATEVER THEY WANT TO LEARN.  There's no fooling around here.  You better be learning (said in my sternest Southern mama voice).  But it's whatever you.  How awesome is that.  She kicked the status quo's butt.

My techie nerd heart started beating faster when I saw this on What the Teacher Wants.  You should tour her lab and buy this tech themed alphabet from Elementary Techie Teacher on TPT.  Even better? Elementary Techie Teacher is from Baton Rouge.  Just like me.  I feel like we may be soul sisters.

Trying to move your kiddos past "nice" and "cool" with character traits?  Read this post from Head Over Heels for Teaching.  She has a whole fantabulous set for her class to interact with as they read.  I can think of so many great ways to use this!