If you're new to this little series, it's a way to highlight some of the fabulous ideas I've found out in blogland. It even has its own Pinterest board.
Now for the good stuff.
I think Molly over at Lessons with Laughter and Abby at Third Grade Bookworm were reading my mind with some strange voodoo connection. I have been struggling with spelling this year. So many things I want to do . . . . and so little time. Both of these ladies posted on how they're using Spelling City to manage things in their room. I'd be happy to turn this management conundrum over to the computer or iPad!
Julie at The Techie Teacher shared a super cheap document camera she purchased for her classroom. At waaaay under $100, this is one super techie feature to use in your room that won't break the bank.
Tammy at Forever in First shared how she has her kids "Make It Right". Turns out making a kid say he/she is sorry doesn't always fix things. I love her simple and easy guide. Go read her blog to learn how she uses it in her classroom. It's worth the trip!
Miss Foote at Chickadee Jubilee teaches her students important life skills and writing at the same time. Using a video and cupcakes. How is this not a win win?
Sara over at Smiling in Second Grade shared a great word work "Guess Who" type game that she played with her students. Quick and easy phonics practice that students will love? Thanks for the idea!
All of these lessons and ideas are pinned on my Five on the Fifth board. If you are in the pinning mood, pin from there or directly from these ladies' blogs so they get the credit (and traffic!) they deserve. Hope you found something to take back to your own classroom!